pininuts - My Nutty Recipes

My nutty recipes

From my site I have to explain you few things...first of all my small budget of volunteer does not let me to try as much recipes as I wish. Simply no money:(

The next problem here in Vladivostok is compleatly lack of any various kind of flour, they know here only pure white flour! I foud some brans and some flax (linen) products:seeds and flour.This same problem is with sugar, anise, puddings, good fruits= no availble! No possible is to find good, pure, white yogurt without any fruits instead of that you will find a typical for Russians "Snieshok", "Riashanka" and so on which are hard to indentify and simply unknown in my home.Only one thing is ...they have here ginger and evaporated (condensed) very tasty and sweet milk in cans...old soviet traditions... lacky my Polish company "Cykoria" and  "Kamis" provide a various kind of spices (but no anise, why?)
Next time I will show you some photos:)

"Crunchy lemon-ginger cookies" by Malina I mean me:)

 Known under name "Clining student fridge cookies"

RECIPIES ARE patient:)

From the right on under construction..technical problems of internal web builder ...sorry

“Mad-Chocolate Cake without eggs” 



Czekoladowy Wariat bez jaj               “Mad-Chocolate Cake without eggs”

1,5 szklanki mąki                                      1, 5 cup of flour
1 łyżeczka sody                                        1 tea spoon of banking powder
1 szklanka cukru                                      1 cup  sugar
szczypta soli                                             pinch of salt
3 łyżki kakao                                              3 soup spoon of cocoa
6 łyżek oleju                                             6 soup spoon of oil
1 łyżka octu                                               1 soup spoon of vinegar ( good quality )
aromat waniliowy (opcjonalnie)            vanilin aroma
1 szklanka zimnej wody                         1 cup of cold water

bardzo smaczne z 2 lyzeczkami miety


                                 Very  tasty when add 2 spoon of dried mint leaf!

                       Mixed all ingredients together in one bowl
              then bake 35-45 minutes in 175  grades of Celsius!

W misce mieszamy: mąka + soda + cukier + sól + kakao.

Robimy 3 dziury:
w 1 wlewamy olej
w 2 ocet
w 3 aromat
wszystko zalewamy woda i mieszamy widelcem - do połączenia składników (nie ubijać)
Piec 35-45 minut w 175 C.

BABKA HERBACIANA- oszczę photo ...sorry

25 dkg mąki
10 dkg cukru
10 dkg margaryny
2 jajka
1 szkl mocnej herbaty
10 dkg rodzynek
1 łyżeczka sody
1 łyzeczka proszku do pieczenia
szczypta soli
aromat rumowy

Rodzynki przepłukać, włożyć do garnuszka z herbatą i gotować 5 minut, wystudzić.
Margarynę utrzeć z cukrem, dodać żółtka, sól i kilka kropli olejku.
Mąkę wymieszać z proszkiem i sodą i dodawać stopniowo na przemian z herbatą. Następnie wsypać rodzynki i wymieszać.
Białka ubić na sztywną pianę i delikatnie wymieszać z masą( nie mikserem). Przełożyć do wysmarowanej i wysypanej krupczatką formy, piec 50-60 min. w temp. 180 st.
Pokryć ulubioną polewą.
Te proporcje wystarczają na małą foremkę babkową o śr. 17cm.


Tea Eastern economical cake

250 g flour
100 g sugar
100 g good margarine or butter
2 eggs
100g rasines
1 cup of good, strong tea essence (just boil 3 spoons tea per one cup of water)
2 t. spoons of baking powder
pinch of salt
Choosen aroma essence: alcohole-rhume

Rasines put to the tea essence to let them be soft ( boiled 5 minutes with tea)
Margarine + cugar mixed finly to get one smooth mass then add egg yolks, salt and essence.
Flour mixed with baking powder add little by little  to the margarin masse togeather with tea and rasinen.
Whites of egs whipe and tenderly mixed wit mass ( do not use mixer but do this manually)
Form (17 cm of diameter) should be butter( then put folur) BAke 50-60 minutes in 180 C.


Fried corguette with pine nuts (of Korean pine)

2 small courguettes
1 table spoon of pini nuts
1 table spoon of  moistened rasins
1 small onion diced
1 table spoon of chopped parsley
4 table spoon of olive oil
pinch of salt, paper (various colours-thckly grinded)
chopped lemon pell

foto by Malina

 from Agnieszka Kreglicka cooking website

Penne z pesto z zielonego groszku Δ

Z zielonego groszku można też przygotować pesto. Ja do swojego dodałam dodatkowo czosnek, orzeszki pinii, tarty ser parmezan i oliwę z oliwek. Myślę, że lepsze byłyby orzechy włoskie, bardziej zdecydowane w smaku. Groszek jest słodkawy a zmiksowane orzeszki pinii trochę mdławe. W połączeniu z parmezanem pesto jak dla mnie miało zbyt mało wyrazisty smak. Do pesto z zielonego groszku najlepiej użyć makaronu penne lub innego o podobnym kształcie.

Dla 2-3 osób:
  • ½ opakowania mrożonego groszku
  • 2 ząbki czosnku
  • 3 łyżki orzeszków pinii lub włoskich
  • ½ filiżanki tartego parmezanu, w tym do posypania po daniu
  • około ¼ filiżanki oliwy z oliwek
  • 200 g makronu penne
  • Ugotować groszek zgodnie z instrukcją na opakowaniu, osączyć i wysuszyć.
  • Ugotować makaron al dente, zmieszać z 1 łyżką oliwy.
  • W międzycasie w blenderze zmiksować groszek, czosnek, orzeszki, parmezan (część zostawić do posypania po daniu), doprawić solą i pieprzem, dolać oliwy z oliwek, tyle aby uzyskać odpowiednią konsystencję pesto.
  • Zmieszać makaron z pesto, posypać parmezanem i świeżo zmielonym czarnym pieprzem.

Cranberry Apple Muffins

By Heidi Swanson from her website




  • 3/4 c. chopped cranberries
  • 1/2 t. shredded orange peel
  • 1 c. shredded apple
  • 1,1/2c. all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1 t. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 t. baking soda 
  • 1/2 t. salt
  • 1/4 t. baking powder
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 1/2 c. Kefir
  • 1/2 c. vegetable oil


Preheat oven to 190 Celsius grades. Grease twelve 2 1/2 inch muffin cups or line with paper bake cups. As you can see I used a round typical cake form instead of muffin cups (here in Vladivostok I cannot find nice muffin cupsL  also instead of cranberries I was used raisins (sultana).

1. In a small mixing bowl stir together chopped cranberries, orange peel and shredded apple.

2. In a medium mixing bowl stir together flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, and baking powder. Make a well in the center of dry mixture.

3 In another medium mixing bowl combine egg, kefir, and oil. Add cranberry mixture and kefir mixture to the dry mixture. Stir till batter is moistened and lumpy. Bake 15 to 20 minutes.


Crunchy Sunday Scones

Ingredients for about 10 cakes


  • 250 g flour
  • 4 teaspoons banking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 big egg
  • about 100 ml milk
  • 50 g sultanas and pine nuts


  • Preheat the oven to temperature 220 C
  • Flour, banking powder , salt and sugar mix then add butter and grind in fingers
  • Beat egg and add milk to get together about 140 ml liquid.
  • To the liquid add about 2/3 of dry mixture and make dough. Add pine nuts and sultanas. Leave some liquid mixture to smear the Stones just before banking.
  • On the flat layer put the dough and roll it out on 1, 5 cm. Cut squares or rounds. Do not forget to smear with egg-milk liquid. Bake 10-12 minutes till gold.

Semolina Halva


  • 1 cup of semolina
  • 3 spoons butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup oil
  • 1 ½ cup sugar
  • Cinnamon, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds, dried fruits, orange peels etc. 


On photo above I made one half of semolina mixture with cocoa..delicious...and one more tip: when fry little bit shorter semolina will be not so dark colour but insteado of more delicate and soft:) I recommend !!!

In pot warm oil with butter put semolina and fry as long as semolina will brown color.

Then add sugar, oil and water. Mix and fry about 5 minutes. Add rest of seasoning and boil on decreased heat. When halva will be stiff then put to the favour small plates or whatever wished form dishes. When halve get cool then take it out from the dish and cut. One option is to put it like one thin layer and then cut in square. 

Pine Nut Rosemary Shortbread Recipe


·        2 cups white whole-wheat flour (or unbleached all-purpose flour)
scant teaspoon fine-grain sea salt

·        1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature

·        2/3 cup sugar

·        zest of one lemon

·        2/3 cup pine nuts, toasted and loosely chopped

·        1 1/4 teaspoons fresh rosemary, finely chopped


Cream the butter until light and fluffy. . Add the sugar and lemon zest and mix again, then add the flour mixture, nuts, and rosemary, divide it into a ball and flatten into a disk 1 inch thick, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 15 minutes


Bake for about 10 minutes, or until the cookies are beginning to brown on the bottom. The baking time will vary depending on the size of the cookies, taking less time for smaller cookies

Chocolate Bread

Italian bread usually is served with mascarpone cheese or gorgonzola cheese and red wine. Recipe for two loafs of bread.



  • 4 cup flour
  • 1/2 spoon salt
  • 2 spoon butter
  • 2 spoon sugar
  • 2 teaspoon of yeast in powder
  • 2 spoon good cocoa
  • 1/2 cup of chockolade chips
  • Some butter on the end to smeare

In the bowl put:  flour, yeast, salt, sugar, cocoa and butter. Slowly add 1 and ¼ cup of warm water. 

Create fine, Smith dough in the round shape, it should take you about 10 minutes work with dough before “rest time” do not forget to add chocolate chips. Then leave it on the oil surface and wrap in plastic foil. Let it “grow” for 1-2 hours in the warm place in your kitchen. It should change dimensions twice Preheat oven to 220 °C and bake 10 minutes then decrease



You will need:
  • 1,5-2 cup semolina
  • 0,25-0,5l kefir
  • 1cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • some butter to smear
  • 2 bananas


In one bowl mix semolina, kefir, sugar and baking soda. Divide mixture to two parts in proportion 2/3 of white dough and to the rest 1/3 dough you can add you wish to get "zebra" variant! Betweeen those two layers put sliced bananas. Bake in 180-200 C temperature for 40 minutes.

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